The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued guidelines related to the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) for solar PV cells. These norms apply to various schemes and programs run by MNRE, where it is mandatory to use domestically manufactured solar PV cells and modules. According to the guidelines, a solar PV cell that is based on crystalline-silicon technology will be considered domestically manufactured only if it is produced in India.
The process must begin with the use of an undiffused silicon wafer, commonly referred to as a ‘Black Wafer.’ These wafers fall under Customs Tariff Head 3818. Furthermore, all the necessary steps involved in making a solar PV cell from the undiffused silicon wafer must be completed within India.
However, if a diffused silicon wafer, often called a ‘Blue Wafer,’ is imported and then used to manufacture solar PV cells in India, such cells will not qualify as domestically manufactured. As a result, they will not be accepted under MNRE’s schemes or programs that require the use of domestically made solar PV cells.
In addition to this, MNRE has clarified that thin film solar PV modules made in an integrated factory in India are eligible under its schemes. This is applicable where DCR provisions require domestically made solar PV modules that are produced using domestically manufactured solar PV cells. The ministry has reiterated these points in reference to its earlier notification dated 9th May 2024. These new instructions have been issued with the approval of the competent authority.