Many power companies face significant risks from coal ash ponds. New solutions based on water flow physics are showing promise in preventing the spread of hazardous particulate matter.
Existing coal plants are required to remediate ash pond water storage infrastructure based on strict guidelines from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Even with many coal plants shuttered in the U.S., utilities are still left with coal ash basins they need to address.
The traditional approach is to use snowblowers to contain these ponds and prevent the spread of particulate. However, there are inefficiencies with this method as it requires a lot of water. In some cases, it may make things worse.
New approaches are emerging that take advantage of a deeper understanding of the physics of water flow and seek to boost the effectiveness of coal ash pond water remediation. Let’s take a look at the extent of the problem, existing solutions, the physics behind remediation, and a possible new approach that is showing promise.
The Coal Ash Problem
The U.S. generated as much as 318 GW of coal-based power in 2011, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Since then, the industry has declined precipitously. Almost 300 coal plants have been closed. Little more than 200 remain (although they still generate about 180 GW and are a vital contributor to the grid). Almost half of the remaining coal plants will be closed permanently by 2030.
Over time, more than 500 U.S. coal plants have generated an enormous quantity of coal ash. In 2007, the industry burned more than a billion tons of coal, leaving behind hundreds of millions of tons of coal ash. Those leftovers remain a problem. Despite years of decline and closures, Environment America reported that coal plants produced 107 million tons of ash in 2016, of which nearly half was left over as waste.
Coal ash is often mixed with water and stored onsite in an ash pit or ash pond. When it spills, this liquid coal ash slurry can smother landscapes and contaminate waterways with toxic chemicals such as arsenic, mercury, and selenium. Wind and evaporation can spread those contaminants a considerable distance across the surrounding landscape.
Many of the hundreds of ponds still in existence are close to major waterways, separated by a narrow embankment. Others are in the vicinity of towns and villages. During floods or heavy rains, coal ash ponds can overflow. Their embankments can deteriorate and collapse, leading to ash releases that can inundate homes or spill into nearby waterways.
1. A spill at Duke Energy’s Dan River site in North Carolina near the Virginia border dumped 39,000 tons of coal ash and 27 million gallons of polluted water into the river. Courtesy: Waterkeeper Alliance/Rick Dove |
Minor spills are common with tailings dams failing at a rate of three per year. Major incidents have been taking place every few years. In 2008, a coal ash pond at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA’s) Kingston Plant in Harriman, Tennessee, collapsed. About 5.4 million cubic yards of ash entered the Emory and Clinch rivers, destroying some homes and polluting 300 acres. In 2014, 39,000 tons of coal ash and 27 million gallons of coal ash pond water spilled into the Dan River in Eden, North Carolina, due to a burst pipe at a Duke Energy coal plant (Figure 1). About five feet of water and mud inundated hundreds of acres of rural land.
EPA Steps In
These incidents prompted the EPA to conduct a study of ash pond conditions. One in five were found to be in poor condition. New rules were issued regulating coal combustion ash, known as the Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Closure Regulations. They established corrective actions during and after closure, set technical standards, and laid out requirements for inspection, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. Provisions included either closing or retrofitting any unlined surface impoundments, not just those that have detected groundwater contamination above regulatory levels. Further, compacted soil-lined or clay-lined surface impoundments were reclassified. They are now regarded as being unlined and in need of urgent attention.
In response, many organizations are now monitoring coal ash carefully. The TVA, for example, recycled 82% of the coal ash it produced in 2022 and used it in the manufacture of wallboard and cement. Nevertheless, some coal ash continues to end up in ponds. And many of the hundreds of existing coal ash ponds are not cared for as diligently as those of the TVA.
Another rule, 40 CFR 51.300, was updated around the same time. A new part of the Code of Federal Regulations zeroed in on air quality, and specifically, “visibility impairment that is caused by the emission of air pollutants from numerous sources located over a wide geographic area.” When these particles and related gases are present in the atmosphere, they scatter and absorb light, thus reducing overall visibility.
Rule 40 CFR 51.300 called upon states to develop programs to improve visibility in national parks and wilderness areas affected by air pollution. Of most relevance to coal ash ponds, the regional haze ruling sought to contain the spread of haze caused by the spread of particulate matter (PM) in the PM 2.5 to PM 10 range. Coal ash ponds, and other tailings and impoundment sites, were found to be a major source of PM 2.5 particles due to evaporation. These particles are so small that they can be inhaled and lodge in the lungs where they can cause irritation and inflammation. Too much exposure can lead to premature death due to conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Further, the viewing experience of visitors to national parks can be badly impaired by the presence of haze.
Solutions to Haze and Coal Ash Particulate
Utilities and power plant owners typically use snowblowers and atomizers to remediate coal ash basins and ponds. The idea is that by blowing water at high pressure over these ponds, evaporation will be contained and particulate matter will be retained in the pond rather than released into the atmosphere. A great deal of work has gone into the refinement of existing snowblowers, atomizers, and their associated nozzles to find the most effective way of preventing the spread of dangerous particles.
Atomizers, for example, seem to work well for very small water bodies. But they don’t function well for larger coal ash ponds and don’t entrain large amounts of particulate.
Snowmaking cannons emit droplets that can sometimes be in the 500- to 600-micron range. Manufacturers have proposed different nozzle and spraying configurations in an attempt to lower the droplet collision rate. But collisions remain a challenge and they lead to a higher volume of particulate matter in the air.
Robert Ballantyne Jr., atomic and molecular spectroscopist at RWI Enhanced Evaporation, had built his business around traditional containment solutions. When EPA and CFR rules came out a few years ago, he took a step back to determine what worked best. He reviewed the technology and the influence of factors such as ambient air temperature, dew point, velocity, and turbulence. Over a period of years, he conducted detailed testing. This included the use of a home-grown wind tunnel to examine the physics of water flow (including the speed and direction of droplet flow), nozzles types, droplet coalescence, and droplet collision. This work uncovered several misconceptions that inhibit the success of coal ash pond water efforts.
For example, a widely accepted idea is that almost all droplets from a snowblower or atomizer coalesce, which is supposed to prevent the spread of particulate matter. Using computational fluid design (CFD) imagery, high-speed cameras, and gas chromatography, Ballantyne analyzed the plumes produced from converted snowmakers. Full telemetry measured all relevant conditions. These showed the presence of a dry aerosol plume rising into the atmosphere. He discovered that the powerful water jets produced by snowmakers created turbulence that destabilizes droplets. They then fracture into smaller droplets that dry out in flight. This creates a large particulate matter load in the atmosphere in violation of air quality standards. Only 18% of the droplets were found to coalesce into larger droplets. The rest collide, get smaller, dry out, and carry more particulate, which leads to more haze, not less.
2. This chart shows a pollution plume lofting into the atmosphere above a containment pond. This plume includes chlorides and sulfates. Wet-bulb temperature is green colored. Blue is below wet-bulb, indicating no water is left. Courtesy: RWI Enhanced Evaporation |
Spray velocity is another area to consider. Most snowblowers fire water at high velocity. This has been found to add to the issue of droplet destabilization. Droplets fracture into particles many times smaller. These smaller droplets generate a large particulate load that causes haze. “The basic problem is that droplets are drying out in flight after destabilization [Figure 2],” said Ballantyne.
3. Several Landshark land-based evaporator units from RWI Enhanced Evaporation can be deployed around a coal ash pond to prevent the spread of particulate matter. Courtesy: RWI Enhanced Evaporation |
His team identified all the factors that increased the rate of droplet-to-droplet collision. The energy level of the spray largely determines the rate of droplet fracture. Further, the angle of spray needs to be controlled to prevent unnecessary turbulence. If the trajectory of water spray is tightly controlled, fewer collisions take place. The institution of such controls results in a major reduction in the pollution plume escaping into the atmosphere and the spread of PM 2.5 into the environment (Figure 3).
“By controlling the droplet size and maintaining proper sedimentation rates, 700 tons per year of emissions from traditional containment solutions can be reduced to 60 millitons (120 pounds),” said Ballantyne. “This is well below the six tons required by New Source Review (NSR) levels.”
Alternative Approach to Haze and Coal Ash Mitigation
RWI Enhanced Evaporation used these principles to design a system that could better address regional haze and coal ash pond regulatory requirements. A trajectory or canon evaporator is a type of industrial spray evaporator that carries the water on a ballistic path or trajectory arc above the ground surface, water, or a solid surface. Their advantage is a greater evaporation rate compared to pond-based evaporators. This type of industrial spray evaporation equipment is meant for sites with large areas of operation where the trajectory can be adjusted to operational constraints.
One such system has been running unattended for 48 months in Glenwood Canyon, Colorado, to field test it in a challenging environment—remediating cyanide water with a pH of 3 in a high-humidity zone that is cold at night. Previously, facility operators were using snowmakers that resulted in a plume of particulate that killed surrounding trees by painting them white with toxic material. The new system uses a 20 hp engine instead of the usual 160 hp in a snowmaker. It took the water level down by five acre-feet per year and eliminated the potential of losing the dam due to build up.
Known as the Landshark 2.0, this industrial, land-based evaporator is aimed at large evaporation ponds or areas where overspray is less of a concern. Its offers increased evaporation rates using 80% less power than other trajectory evaporators. Its center spray lance is designed with a precise air-to-water mixture, and tight control of droplet sizes and trajectory lengths for maximum pollution plume mitigation.
4. The PittBoss sits above the water or ash pond. Courtesy: RWI Enhanced Evaporation |
RWI Enhanced Evaporation offers several different systems to address particulate matter, designed for different water quality and site conditions. For example, the PittBoss (Figure 4) is a platform that sits two feet above the water or ash pond. It uses wave mathematics to cause a swell to peak and crash making droplets of the right size.
This floating industrial evaporator sits directly on the surface of an impoundment or pond. It reduces the amount of fluid that needs to be disposed of and is an economical alternative to truck transport. While land-based evaporators are more prone to shut down due to wind gusts, this floating evaporator can continue to evaporate in the same conditions because the spray plume is closer to the pond surface and is more likely to drop back into the pond instead of on surrounding vegetation.
Once in the pond, the location of the PittBoss can be adjusted to compensate for wind direction to maximize evaporation rates. (Evaporation rates depend greatly on weather conditions such as ambient temperatures, relative humidity, wind speed, etc.) It reduces energy consumption from 25 hp to 2.96 hp compared to a traditional snowblower. Additionally, it improves the evaporation rate as it uses a downdraft design that can take some ponds to a dry state while containing the dry aerosol drift commonly associated with larger horsepower evaporators. Downdraft evaporation allows complete control of the air velocity, droplet size, and droplet flight time. This keeps the ion content on the water surface where the ion content is less likely to loft off.
With coal being phased out across North America, it is vital that the waste products of those facilities be thoroughly addressed. Coal ash residue has been found to escape from ponds and impoundments at a far higher rate than was previously thought. This represents a threat to health and a significant impairment to the beauty of the landscape. But it also represents a serious legal threat to current and past owners of coal facilities if they are found to be in violation of CCR and CFR requirements.
—Drew Robb () has been a full-time freelance writer for more than 25 years specializing in engineering and technology.