Combined European biogas and biomethane production in 2023 amounted to 22bcm, according to the 14th edition of the Statistical Report published today (4th December) by the European Biogas Association.
Biomethane production grew to 4.9bcm with an installed capacity of 6.4bcm/year by the first quarter of 2024. This represents the biggest increase in biomethane production, with a higher year-on-year production rise concentrated in the EU area (21%).
The annual figure is more than the entire inland natural gas demand of Belgium, Denmark, and Ireland combined, and represents 7% of the natural gas consumption of the European Union last year.
Considering the current rates of biogas and biomethane production, Europe could avoid 106 million tonnes of CO2 emissions each year, provide renewable energy to 19 million European households year-round, and fuel 533,000 LNG trucks annually.
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