NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN), a wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC Limited, has issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for the development of a 2.7 MW grid-connected rooftop solar power project at DRDO Bangalore. The bidding process is being conducted through the Government e-Procurement Portal () and follows a single-stage, two-envelope format—Techno-Commercial Bid in Envelope-I and Price Bid in Envelope-II. The project will be financed through External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), Domestic Commercial Borrowings (DCB), or NVVN’s sources.
The bidders need to visit the site and gather all necessary information about the installation of the solar PV plant before submitting their bids. Additionally, bidders must ensure they submit a Bid Security amounting to ₹20,00,000 (₹Twenty Lakh only). Any bid that does not include the required bid security will be rejected. The submission of bid security through electronic fund transfer requires the bidder to submit proof of payment in a sealed envelope or via the e-tendering portal.
For the tender process, the use of a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of Class-3 is mandatory for all bidders. The portal provides guidelines and user manuals to help bidders with the process of enrollment and participation. The bidding documents will not be issued in hard copy; all submissions must be made online. In case of any discrepancies or concerns, NVVN holds the right to cancel or withdraw the invitation for bids at its discretion without giving any reason.